An advisory board will help your company fulfill its business requirements and develop long-term strategies. Effective advisory board members are experienced professionals who can bring their expertise and provide guidance to your business. They are people who know your industry and have a experience in professional fields such as law, finance or marketing. Advisory boards are usually comprised of people who want to help you. They could be part of the board or external recruits. They meet regularly or semi-regularly, typically 6-8 times a year. They may also act as mentors for the CEO and the leadership team.
The majority of the members of an advisory board aren’t compensated for their time, however they are reimbursed for the expenses associated with meetings. Moreover, the size of an advisory board is dependant on and makes it easy to create and expand depending on the needs of the company. In addition, an advisory panel can be more informal than a regular board of directors, which helps minimize the risk of liability.
However, it’s important that a business establish clear guidelines for their advisory committee so that members don’t start acting like a board of directors and assume all the associated obligations. It is important to document the role of the advisory board, for example in a resolution of the board or bylaws. This will make it easy to hold them accountable and avoid confusion. As a business grows it’s normal for advisory roles to become more formalized, and eventually transform into full board of directors. This usually happens when a company acquires investors or reaches a certain level of operations.